Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What's your song - divorce edition

September 1st 2011 - one year since I have officially been divorced. 
A post on that tomorrow night.

I do not want anyone like my ex-husband again, but this song is my song for this week. Go link up with Goodnight Moon with yours. 

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  1. Hi Amanda! Looking forward to reading your blog. Divorces are never fun, been through one myself. But fortunately for me, children weren't involved. I know that had to make things on you much harder.

    BTW, I tried to subscribe via email and when I confirm the link that is emailed to me, it says the feedburner could not find the subscriptio :-(

  2. I will NEVER let you even DATE anyone like your ex husband ;) Blue skies ahead...

  3. Love this song, love Adele. I hope that you've found happiness.

  4. Gorgeous song. I almost posted this one. I am sorry to hear about your divorce. Hope you can stay positive throughout the month. :)
