Monday, February 16, 2015

It's been a while...

It's been a while since I last wrote - 1 year and 5 months actually. Way too much time has past for this to be a catch-up blog, but I'll do my best to hit the main points.

I did not like to get on my previous laptop. It was 7 years old, had to be plugged in, and over heated. I spoiled myself this weekend and bought a Mac Book Pro so I hope to be writing more now that I found the love of my life...the computer, not a man. Literally, I LOVE this computer!

Austin is now 9 and in the 3rd grade. He's wicked smart - genius smart - and loves to read. He played baseball the past few seasons, but is taking this season off. 

Ryan is now 6 (almost 7) and in 1st grade. His heart is so kind and he has such a gentle soul. He also has been playing baseball and is playing again this year. 

They are getting a sister in June (obviously not from me) and their dad deploys in May again so I have a long summer and fall ahead of me. Being a single mom when you share every other weekend is difficult, but nothing is like being a single mom for 6+ months without the emotional support. I feel like deployments take more of a toll on me now than when we were married. 

I am still working at the same company (3 1/2 years) and I was just promoted to Sales Operations Manager. How crazy is that! I started as a temp doing data entry and now I am a manager! I am so grateful for Facebook...because of a post I made about needing a job, an old friend from high reached out and got me this temp job that has turned into and amazing career. To top it off, her husband coaches our sons' baseball team now too!

I know you all want to hear about the man in my life...there's two and I already mentioned them. I haven't been dating since my brief stint online. I'm really happy where I am right now. I really like my independence and keeping up with kids and my job is enough right now. I get a little lonely sometimes and wish I had someone to co-parent with, share my day and my dreams with, a shoulder to cry on or just someone to hold me, but overall life is good. There's my hodge-podge catch up and until next time...

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