Sunday, August 7, 2011

This is the life

Here's how I spent my afternoon...

The wind in my hair, the sun on my face and nothing
but the wide open road ahead...
This is the life. 
Okay, so it was more like...
The wind in my hair, the sun on my face and 
nothing but the hundreds of circles around the cul-de-sac ahead of me
with a pair of training wheels to the right and the left. 
Me on my 20-year-old 18-speed.

Boo-ya - that's right. 
I said 18-speed. 
Jealous much?
Yeah, I would be too!

Now THIS is the life. 

Though my thighs will tell me differently tomorrow. 
(today was the first day I rode a bike in about 15 years and I rode for two hours straight!)

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